
Duson Color Pallete

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Duson Color Pallete submitted by user Andre Savage. This color palette has total 4 colors and contains the following hex color codes : #faf5e6, #fbbd0d, #2d2c2e, #fd1f4a,

Below the table are the HEX, RGB, CMYK color codes and the basic information of each color of the palette. Feel free and copy every color value that you want.

Color Color Models
CMYK : (0, 2, 8, 2)
HEX : #faf5e6
HSL : (0, 100%, 94%)
RGB : 250,245,230
CMYK : (0, 25, 95, 2)
HEX : #fbbd0d
HSL : (0, 99%, 52%)
RGB : 251,189,13
CMYK : (2, 4, 0, 82)
HEX : #2d2c2e
HSL : (270, 100%, 18%)
RGB : 45,44,46
CMYK : (0, 88, 71, 1)
HEX : #fd1f4a
HSL : (0, 99%, 56%)
RGB : 253,31,74

The meaning of Duson color pallete

Color Color Psychology Color Meanings in Business
Black Black is the color of mystery. It's required of all other colors to have depth and variation of hue. It is associated with power, fear, death, strength, authority, seriousness. Black color provokes deep-seated sadness and distress. It is powerful and symbolizes class, elegance, and wealth. It fits in almost any design. In interior design, black can make a room appear to shrink in size.
Red Red, the color of fire and blood. It is an intense color. It is associated with meanings of passion, desire, sexuality, lust, danger, action, drama, joy, stress, radiance. Red is excellent in promoting energy drinks, games, cars, items related to sports and high physical activity. You may use this as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions. It is often used to evoke erotic feelings.
Yellow Yellow is the brightest color of the visible spectrum. It is creative from a mental aspect, the color of new ideas, helping us to find new ways of doing things. You may use yellow color in marketing advertisements aimed at children. Too much yellow can cause anxiety, nervousness, apprehension, agitation. It can confrontation particularly in people who are already stressed.

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